

Activities to Help Your Adolescent with Back Pain

Back pain can affect all ages, including kids and teens. While younger children tend to have short-lived back pain due to less severe stresses on the back, adolescents are more likely to suffer from injuries that might result in back pain. The good news? There are activities that will help alleviate any pain or tension in young kids and adolescents.
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Chronic Pain and Exercise:

Think taking a day off from the gym will help combat chronic pain? Guess again. Exercise is still one of the best ways to beat or lessen chronic pain. Not all exercises, however, are created equal. Engaging in the wrong types of workouts or overexerting yourself can actually do more harm than good, if not careful. Here are some exercises
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Dr. Paul Pannozzo, an Summa pain specialist, just authored an informative article discussing the benefits of swimming or water aerobics in lessening and treating chronic pain.

Dr. Paul Pannozzo, an Summa pain specialist, just authored an informative article discussing the benefits of swimming or water aerobics in lessening and treating chronic pain. We invite you to read the article and learn more about Dr. Pannozzo’s take on the benefits of swimming: Green Living Arizona, swimming

World Class Athletes and Pain Management:

With the 2016 Olympics wrapping up, there’s a lot that we can learn from the athletes competing to represent our country. These athletes know how to push through a tough workout, stay calm under pressure, and deal with painbetter than most. The good news is that you don’t have to be a superstar athlete to benefit from pain management techniques.
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Is chronic pain impacting sexual intimacy?

Physical intimacy is a necessity in life. Sexual intimacy combined with a person’s sexuality, are the basis for human connection. But if you’re currently suffering from chronic pain, your relationships, and sexual life are likely being impacted. While a silent issue, you’re not the only one living with this condition. According to the National Centers for Health Statistics, 76.2 million
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Workplace Injuries and Painful Conditions Can Be Prevented and Mitigated:

So, you’ve just spent eight hours at your desk and an hour in rush-hour traffic, and it’s time to prop your feet up on the couch and relax! But you’re in so much pain from sitting all day that you can’t even enjoy it. This is the reality for millions of American’s today. The good news? Routine exercises throughout the
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Body Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

Everybody has aches and body pain that they deal with on a regular basis. If they don’t admit it, then they’re lying! Just like you take care of your car and make sure to have it checked out if there’s a problem, you need to do the same with your body. While many of these aches and pains can be
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Arizona Pain Can Be A Pain!

Arizona has many amazing things to love–from the wonderful winter weather to the endless golf courses, to the scenic views scattered throughout the state. It’s no wonder Arizona is one of the fastest-growing states in the country! People are drawn to Arizona because of the long list of outdoor activities that people can enjoy year-round. But sometimes, being active year-round
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Self-Diagnosis Pitfalls:

Self-diagnosis of your pain symptoms or sources of pain can lead to improper self-diagnosis, delays in receiving proper treatment and relief, cause unnecessary worrying, or even aggravate your painful condition. We help Arizonians just like you determine the causes of your pain and find the right treatment to help you live a pain-free life. Picture this – you’ve had a
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Summer Swimming and Chronic Pain:

Most think of swimming as just a way to cool off during Arizona summers, but did you know that swimming might also give you relief from chronic pain, injuries, and other body ailments? Something as simple and fun as swimming can give one chronic pain relief Swimming is becoming increasingly popular amongst the young and old alike, with classes popping
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