July 2020


Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease

It ranks sixth as the leading cause of death among Americans and it appears to be on the rise. It is a scary disease with a slow onset and signs that are often overlooked. Alzheimer’s can leave you or your loved ones nearly unrecognizable towards the end. The sad part is that there is no cure. Alzheimer’s is a type
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Announcing New Procedure: Intracept from Relievant Now Available in North Scottsdale.

Suffering from chronic, vertebrogenic lower back pain can now be addressed through a new procedure not performed by many doctors in North Scottsdale. Summa Pain Care in North Scottsdale is pleased to announce that Intracept from Relievant is now offered to our clients. This is a minimally invasive, FDA approved procedure that targets the basivertebral nerve with the goal of
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Natural Pain Relief Remedies for Your Entire Body

For most Americans, the past few months have been nothing short of stressful and anxiety filled. For those suffering with chronic pain, the world may have left you hanging. Perhaps you were not able to see your doctor or you were even unable to leave your home. The good news is that there are natural pain relief remedies you can
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