June 2021


Summa PainCare-3-Types-Of-Headaches-That-You-Need-To-Have-Checked-June2021

There are some varieties of headache that you just learn to deal with and get through your day, but there are some headaches that can’t be taken lightly. Some headaches are warning signs from your body that need to be addressed quickly. Take a breath though because most of your garden variety headaches are nothing that some over the counter
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Summa PainCare-Chronic-Pain-And-Suicide-Risk-June2021

One of the most fundamental connections in pain management is the massive emotional burden that patients face as a result of chronic pain. The disturbing co-morbidity of chronic pain and suicide has led to multiple studies on how to best treat patients in order to prevent future tragedies. “Having chronic pain means you are living in a physical and psychological
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