When Your New Years Gym Resolution Backfires

So you’ve made your New Year’s Resolution to really hit the gym hard and shed those extra pounds! It’s a fantastic idea if you can make it ‘work out’ for you, but far too often people who either aren’t experienced in physical training or are merely a bit rusty or simply don’t know their limits and “overdo it”. Very frequently as Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation have pointed out, “After a week or two of exercise, your back and knees are screaming at you! Because they weren’t ready to go from the couch to the “new you”.And many ‘Resolution-ers’ will make a simple, key mistake: rather than doing some mobility training first to limber up and make sure that your back and knees among other joints, the jump straight into strength training or some aggressive cardio and that creates some problems.

There are hundreds of articles out there that provide fantastic advice on how to ease yourself into gym training after a long period of relative inactivity. That isn’t what we’re going to focus on today. What we are going to look at is how you get back into the gym after you’ve managed to have a New Year’s Resolution ‘Oopsie’.

The typical injuries that are seen from someone resuming gym exercise after a long inactive period are injuries to the feet, back, ankles, and knees. And simply put, that’s how you join the 80% or so of people who have fallen off the wagon by February and don’t see the inside of a  gym again for months (if at all) and contribute to what is known as “overtraining syndrome”

“One of the biggest mistakes people make is going all in on the first week of the year,” says Kris Cueva, CPT, master instructor at Burn 60 Studios in an interview with Shape.com who wrote,

“Being too committed to your New Year’s fitness resolutions can actually backfire and leadto overtraining syndrome, the result of too much training with too little rest.

Over training syndrome can cause you to start under performing, open the door to injury, and even have effects on your mood (hello, burnout). “It is almost impossible to maintain an extreme switch, and you’ll be back to where you started before the first month is over,” says Cueva. “When you overdo your workout schedules by either signing up for too many classes or struggling through a run when your body is actually exhausted, you chip away at your mental resolve.”

Treatment Once You’re Hurt

Some training injuries to the neck, back, feet and joints may require Interventional pain management to get you back into action. These can range from steroid injection to control pain or Peripheral Joint Injection and even Peripheral Joint Radiofrequency Ablation.

Regenerative medicine such as Platelet Rich Plasma may also be an option for treating training related injuries such as Torn Rotator Cuff, (Rotator cuff injuries are extremely common and only increase with age. A tear can occur as a result of a single traumatic injury or due to a repetitive motion.) Achilles Tendon Rupture, (Your Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous tendon that connects your calf muscles to your ankle, it can tear completely or partially due to repeated use or traumatic injury and usually will tear about 2.5 inches above the heel, a section that can be prone to tears due to poor blood flow which PRP can help to address.) and Tendonitis, or Tendinosis (Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow ,etc. a painful condition which occurs when tendons in the elbow are overloaded through repetitive motion of the wrist and/or arms.)

One of the most important things you can do for your long term health is DON’T GIVE UP.Chronic conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis can be managed and quality of life can be improved with exercises like low-impact cardio, yoga, Tai Chi or water therapy under your physician’s supervision to gradually return you.

Summa Pain Care and Dr. Michael Pannozzo are experts in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation techniques. Furthermore, they are specifically trained in Musculo skeletal physiology and treatment of Sports injuries as well as training injuries. Dr. Pannozzo completed a Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation residency at The Ohio State University Medical Center, one of the 10 Best training programs for the field.

Find your nearest Summa Pain Care location in Peoria, Phoenix or North Scottsdale today and don’t put this off any longer. Unaddressed pain generally doesn’t improve, and the benefits of getting back into the gym and exercising far outweigh the costs.Call our Phoenix location at 623.580.4357 , you can reach Peoria at 623.776.8686 or contact us in North Scottsdale at 480.786.1771.

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