Lower back pain can be debilitating, diminishing the quality of your life and making the most ordinary tasks seem almost impossible. Lower back pain may even prevent you from working. If this has happened to you, it is time to get back pain treatment from a pain management specialist as soon as possible. There are many lower back pain causes, and the type of treatment your doctor will recommend will depend on what is causing your pain. Below is some useful information for anyone who wants to know what causes lower back pain.
Ca-Uses of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be either chronic or acute, and can stem from a wide variety of causes. Some of the most common lower back pain causes are:
- Arthritis
- Herniated disc
- Osteoporosis
- Pregnancy
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Spinal stenosis
- Strain or injury
A pain management specialist can identify the source of your pain and provide a course of treatment to offer you with the relief you need to get your life back on track.
Courses Of Treatment
There is good news for lower back pain sufferers: Most lower back pain can be treated without the need for surgery. NSAIDs and other over-the-counter pain relievers can help. In addition, stretching, such as yoga, and exercises that develop your core muscles can often provide relief from lower back pain. Your course of treatment may also include physical therapy, massage, corticosteroid shots, acupuncture and spinal manipulation. A pain management doctor can provide you with treatment options that are right for you.
You do not have to live with lower back pain. Instead, schedule an appointment with a pain management specialist to explore the back pain treatment options available to you. You’ll be glad you did. For more information about what causes lower back pain or about the back pain treatments available at Summa Pain Care, call 623.776.8686 today and speak with one of our friendly associates who will be glad to schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Pannozzo for you.
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