When it comes to your doctor or healthcare provider, you should always be able to have an open, honest and completely transparent conversation. Depending on your medical history, it might be an uncomfortable dialogue, but you should always feel able to say anything to your doctor.
Especially when it comes to an upcoming procedure, you need to trust and respect your doctor. Your health history is confidential, but it is critical to discuss anything and everything. It could also mean the difference between life and death.
These are the things you should always tell your doctor, especially before any type of procedure.
1. Always tell your doctor if you take effervescent antacids
With any procedure, doctors are always most concerned with bleeding. They want to make sure you are clotting properly and most of the time you will be advised prior to procedure to stop taking any ibuprofen or aspirin-containing medications. This is because these medications contain blood thinners.
What you might not know is that many effervescent antacids contain aspirin. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor. Also be sure to always tell your doctor about all medications you are taking over the counter and prescription wise. You never want to leave anything out as it can be very dangerous during the procedure.
2. Always tell your doctor if you have a belly button piercing
Whether you are wearing the ring or not, having your belly button pierced at any point in your life can lead to scar tissue. When it comes to a procedure, the doctor may need to enter through your belly button and thus possibly causing problems. Entering through scar tissue can cause unwanted damage to the underlying organs.
The doctor may still move forward with the procedure, but discussing your prior piercing history sets them up for extra precaution and awareness.
3. Always tell your doctor if you take nasal decongestants
As state above, you always want to discuss your medications usage with your doctor prior to a procedure. Many people forget about nasal decongestants being a medication. Many people also take them far past the short-term recommendation. Some doctors have seen a dependence on nasal drops because of this. The concern here is that once you stop taking the drops, the blood vessels can encourage congestion and eventually increased bleeding.
It is always best to consult with your doctor about your nasal decongestants and nasal drops prior to your procedure. This is so you can work to wean yourself off of them.
4. Always tell your doctor if you ate or drank before your procedure
The day of the procedure, you need to be completely honest and aware of what you have ingested. If you did not follow the pre-anesthetic instructions fully, the surgeon and anesthetist need to know. This is solely for your health and well-being.
There are potentially deadly consequences when you eat, drink or take certain medications too close to your procedure.
5. Always tell your doctor if anything has changed
Perhaps something has significantly changed since you scheduled your procedure. The day of the procedure you need to make sure you have let your doctor know of any changes. Besides the medications already discussed, be sure you doctor know if you have had any changes or additions to medications.
You should also discuss any health changes that have happened. Maybe you were recently seen by another doctor or maybe you are now experiencing a different type of pain. Either way, be sure you doctor knows up front of any changes between scheduling your procedure and the day of.
6. Always tell your doctor if you are confused
Surgical procedures can be super scary and sometimes confusing. You should always be able to discuss every aspect of the procedure with your healthcare provider. Are you confused about prepping for the procedure? Are you concerned about what they will actually do to your body or organs? Do you know what the success rate of your procedure is? These are all common questions and they should all be discussed prior to the procedure.
Being confident with your doctor and procedure will also help reduce stress. When your stress levels are lower, you have a better chance at healing and recovering.
Bottom Line
Surgery can be scary, even if you are totally prepared. You need to not be afraid to have deep conversations with your doctor. Be sure to mention every single medication you are taking. Not disclosing certain information can be seriously detrimental if not deadly.
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