Neck Pain Treatment Options in Phoenix

Neck pain is quite literally a pain in the neck. It is a very common pain that many people in Phoenix seek treatment for. Neck pain can be caused by a car accident, improper sleeping positions, bad posture while sitting in front of a computer, exertion or sometimes for seemingly no reason at all.

No matter the cause of neck pain, most neck pain incidences can improve and almost disappear with proper rest, better posture, light massage, ice, heat, over-the-counter pain relievers, or just with time.

If you are experiencing neck pain, here are some adjustments you can make at home. These are six tips to help you take care of your neck.

  1. Don’t stay in one position for too long. Bad posture is something that is hard to reverse, however, you can try to get up and get moving. Try to avoid staying stuck in one position for a large portion of your day.
  2. Make some ergonomic adjustments. Properly positioning your computer might relieve some neck stress. Try keeping your monitor at eye level as to not tilt your neck. Position your computer monitor at eye level so you can see it easily. Try wearing a headset when you are on your cell phone for long periods of time, or using the hands-free function.
  3. If you wear glasses, keep your prescription up to date. Keeping your eyes healthy will also help keep your posture in better order.
  4. Don’t use too many pillows. It is best to use just one pillow for sleeping as several pillows under your head can end up stifling your neck’s range of motion.
  5. Know your limits. If your neck feels sensitive for any type of activity, ask for help or don’t do the activity at all.
  6. Get a good night’s sleep. Who can go wrong with a good night’s sleep? Unfortunately, sleep problems increase the risk for several different conditions, including musculoskeletal pain.

If you are one of the unlucky ones whose neck pain symptoms seem to persist no matter what you do, you might need the attention of a specialist.
Dr. Pannozzo of Summa Pain Treatment in Phoenix has access to a multitude of neck pain treatment options.

Chronic or serious neck pain is different than the average, occasional neck pain episode. Chronic or long-term neck pain is much more serious, requires diagnosis and proper treatment from a qualified pain specialist. If neck pain gets worse after a few days, is accompanied by a fever, a burning, tingling or numb sensation, seek immediate medical attention.

Here Are Some Of The Possible Pain Treatments For More Serious Neck Pain Issues:

Epidural Steroid Injections. Steroids are injected into “pain” or trigger points. Steroids are drugs that reduce inflammation and can encourage healing in your neck.

Massage. Manual massage is a natural, effective pain treatment for some pain patients. Massage can enhance healing, but it’s not always enough to relieve chronic neck pain.

Trigger Point Injection. This injection is the pain relief treatment that targets the areas of pain with injections of anti-inflammatory steroid injections. It’s minimally invasive and can be done as an outpatient treatment.

Neuro stimulation Therapy. Neuro stimulation involves stimulation of the spinal cord through the introduction of a low-voltage electricity to peripheral nerves. This implantable medical device helps block pain signals that your nerves naturally and automatically send to your brain. By blocking these pain signals, this pain treatment provides relief without drugs. This is an outpatient pain treatment plan that provides reliable neck pain relief.

Physical Therapy. A non-invasive, safe, drug-free option that incorporates exercise, stretching and other forms of physical exertion to help the body naturally reduce pain and accelerate healing is physical therapy. While physical therapy is a good pain treatment technique, it’s not always effective for every patient.

Radio frequency Ablation. This treatment is a neck pain treatment option that uses electrical currents to reduce and block pain signals. The current produces heat that reduces signals from nerves.

Keep in mind, medicines may be prescribed to treat various conditions. Muscle relaxants can be prescribed to address muscle spasms and inflammatory conditions. These prescriptions can help manage pain but are not the solution to preventing and minimizing neck pain sources.

Final Thoughts

When in doubt about your neck pain, seek out a pain specialist. They will have all the up-to-date information and treatment options regarding your pain. The last thing you want to do is to throw a few pain relievers at your neck pain and struggle through each day. Take precautions now to relax your neck and seek out medical attention if the pain persists.

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