Free Resources and Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

One of the biggest side effects of a global pandemic has been the slump in mental health for many people around the world. Routines have changed, people have been quarantined, fear has grown over the virus, there is no certainty or end in sight. Businesses are open one day and then shut the next. Schools can’t seem to get off the ground. Everyday there is a news story about someone resisting face masks, looting stores or rioting in the streets. Any single change in your life can bring about another attack on your mental health.

The good news is that there is hope and there is help. You are not alone and any feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and fear should be discussed with your primary care doctor. Many physicians have been given the green light to conduct telehealth appointments, also making it easier to be seen without leaving your home.

Free Mental Health Resources

If you are seeking free resources to address your mental health, there are some options. The following are free ways to address your current situation:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous: For anyone struggling with alcohol addiction, Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) is offering support online to include meetings.
  • National Institute of Drug Abuse: For resources regarding drug abuse and to maintain a healthy lifestyle, NIDA is another great option to check out.
  • The American Society of Addiction Medicine: ASAM has many online resources that include private chat rooms and video calls for the purpose of recovery.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Should you need immediate assistance, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
  • Disaster Distress Hotline: You can also reach out to the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746.

Small Steps You Can Take Today

Maintaining a routine, even during isolation, is a solid way to positively affect your mental health. It can be easy to sit in your pajamas all day and Netflix and chill. However, creating a routine for your day, no matter how small, can really help you break through some barriers. Here are some simple ways you can make a routine during these tough times.

1. Wake Up and Get Dressed

One of the very first things you should do to create a healthy routine is to make sure you are getting out of bed and getting dressed. Even just pretending like you have somewhere to go is a great approach to a healthy day. Set your alarm for a reasonable hour, take a nice warm shower and put on regular clothes for the day. Lastly, be sure to make your bed. Making your bed is a very simple, quick chore, but it can sprout feelings of accomplishment right off the bat for the day.

2. Schedule a Video Chat

Creating a video chat like you would a regular appointment is another way to add routine to your day. Even if you must physically distance yourself from others, you should still stay social. You can set up a call with friends, family or even coworkers. It is vital to stay in communication with others to stay healthy.

3. Get Moving

There is no reason to not stay active during isolation or quarantine. You should attempt to create an exercise routine to keep your physical body as sound as your mind. You can simply go for a walk around the block, a swim in your pool if you have one or choose from many great and free workout videos online. There are almost endless resources for this, so take advantage. Fresh air is especially good for the mind, body and soul.

4. Create a Space

Another way to combat mental health issues is to create a space just for meditation or quietness in your home. It should be a place to escape, relax and unwind. It should be quiet and free of distraction. It should be a place to let go of anxiety, stress and anything bothering your mind. Even if you do not meditate, you can find solace in a relaxing place designed just for you.

Final Thoughts

No one should feel completely isolated and alone during these tough times. There are tons of free resources, places to call and people to talk to when you are feeling down or blue. Your mental health is extremely important and it should not go to the wayside. In addition to these free resources, it is also important to create daily routines to keep sane. You have the ability to do great things even during these uncertain times.

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