Where can I find the Best Pain Management Specialist in North Scottsdale

Do you know where to find the best pain management specialist in North Scottsdale? Likely, you are looking for a doctor that is knowledgeable, trustworthy and has all the tools to help you with your pain. Not all pain management specialists in North Scottsdale are created equally. You will need to seek treatment from one that is well versed in your condition with the ability to isolate and reduce your pain.

Also, you are not alone. Nationwide, nearly 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. This can affect your day to day function, your ability to sleep and your ability to cope with anything else that life throws at you. If chronic pain is something you struggle with daily, then finding the best pain management specialist near you will be very important.

How Do I Choose the Best Pain Management Specialist in North Scottsdale?

You’ve probably spent some time browsing through Google, trying to find that 5 star pain management specialist in North Scottsdale that will fit your needs. However, location and a Google star rating is hardly the half of it.

There are many other factors that come into play when choosing a pain management specialist in North Scottsdale. Factors like:

  • Do they accept my insurance?
  • How does the facility operate?
  • Do they provide good treatment with proper diagnostic equipment?
  • Do they specialize in the treatment of your ailment?
  • Does the rest of the team work well together?

How Can I Use My Insurance Company to Find the Best Pain Management Specialist in North Scottsdale?

One way you can maneuver through the maze is to call your insurance carrier. They should be able to provide you with a list of pain management specialists in North Scottsdale that will accept your insurance plan. You can also ask your current healthcare provider or medical center.

It is also important to search for a pain management specialist that has several methods to approach your pain care. Besides the tools for your specific condition, you might be interested in what is called alternative medicine. This includes practices such as:

  • Biofeedback
  • Acupuncture
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Water therapy
  • Massage
  • Meditation

What Should I Avoid When Searching for the Best Pain Management Specialist in North Scottsdale?

The biggest red flag for any pain management specialist in North Scottsdale is a clinic that relies on using mostly narcotics to treat pain. Pain killers are a huge issue in America and many people are unnecessarily addicted to them. Your best bet is to avoid them altogether.

Why Choose Summa Pain Care to Manage Your Pain?

As you search far and wide for the best pain management specialist in North Scottsdale, you really do not need to look further than Summa Pain Care. Located at the intersection of Scottsdale Rd and Deer Valley, our approach to pain care management is to find the source of your pain first and foremost. The focus will be on mobility instead of strength. We will look at correcting abnormal physiology instead of diagnosing dysfunction. There will be no generic therapy for you. A detailed and personalized treatment plan will be created during your visit.

Our physicians are experts and extensively trained in the field. They are specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Additionally, they are expertly trained in musculoskeletal physiology and have developed specific programs for specific pain diagnoses after years of hands-on treatment of over 50,000 patients.

Here is just a short list of conditions we commonly see and treat:

  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, and Hand pain
  • Thoracic and Scapular pain
  • “Slipped Disk”, Sciatica
  • Lumbar, Hip, Knee, and Ankle pain
  • Epidural injection Failure, Radiculopathy
  • IDET failure, Radio-frequency ablation failure
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heel pain, Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sports injuries, Work-related injuries
  • Post-surgical joint replacement pains
  • Motor vehicle collisions
  • Non-surgical treatment for scoliosis

Lastly, our patients speak volumes! In fact, 96% of our patients are satisfied with their outcomes. Believe it or not, 90% of our patients are treated in less than 15 days (compared to 65% in other programs–American Academy of Pain Management). It is our plan and our goal to provide the best and most personalized treatment you can receive anywhere.

Final Thoughts on Finding the Best Pain Management Specialist in North Scottsdale

In the end, the best pain management specialist in North Scottsdale can be found at Summa Pain Care. With the latest technology and attention to the source of your pain, you can rest assured that you are receiving the best treatment plan. There’s no need to look further.

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