

What Are Your Rights as a Patient in Scottsdale?

At some point in your life, you will walk through the doors of a hospital. And, it seems as though every time you need to, you will inevitably be bombarded by paperwork. You must check this box or place your initials here, and subsequently spill your whole health history. You might be able to write a whole book about it!
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Treating Disc Displacement in Scottsdale

Back pain is a very common injury experienced by many people in Scottsdale each year. The exact cause of the pain can vary greatly. One of the most common causes of back pain is called disc displacement and radiculopathy (or pinched nerve). You might be one of the unfortunate people suffering from disc displacement in Scottsdale. As you might be
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Have You Tried These Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - it can be a huge pain to live with and manage daily. You have likely tried or are currently on medications to help treat the pain and inflammation. Maybe it works, but maybe it just isn’t enough to get through the day. Modern medicine certainly does try to target pain to offer the most amount of
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The Dangerous Side of Sugar on Your Body

Make no mistake that Americans overindulge through the holidays. It is tradition, right? We bake cookies, cakes and all sorts of treats for the family. While this might seem like an innocent occasion, the truth is that we are doing a ton of damage to our bodies when we eat that much sugar. The negative effects of consuming too much
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How Sleeping Affects Back Pain

It hurts when you don’t get a good night’s rest -literally. Many people get poor sleep because of back pain and vice versa. Some people end up waking up in worse shape than they went to bed in. It is a vicious cycle of pure exhaustion. What you might not realize is that the position you sleep in might actually
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Top Foods That Actually Harm Bone Health

You need your bones to be strong from birth to your senior years. Osteoporosis affects over 10 million Americans, while another 44 million have low bone density (which places them at an increased risk). It roughly amounts to nearly 50% of adults over 50 years of age that should be highly concerned about breaking a bone or losing bone density.
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Arthritis Management & Pain Treatment for Peoria, AZ Residents

Inflammation of your joints is generally referred to as arthritis, although it can relate to well over 100 diseases. When your body experiences an injury that results in pain, swelling and stiffness, your body will react by becoming inflamed in that region. When inflammation lasts for a long period of time, your tissue can become damaged and eventually lead to
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Add More Calcium to Your Diet, Improve Battle Against Osteoarthritis

Believe it or not, for some people who add calcium supplements to their diet are doing more damage than good. Calcium is an essential element in your diet and very useful for your body. As you age, diseases like osteoarthritis begin to creep in and you must be prepared to change your diet to accommodate the effects. Let’s explore how
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The Most Surprising Places You Hold Onto Stress

If you have ever felt anxious, pressure or tension mounting in your life, you just might be stressed. We find ways in life to treat the symptoms of stress by rubbing the areas that are hurting, applying heat or adjusting posture. This might bring about some immediate relief, but it might not get rid of it all. You might also
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Neck Pain Treatment Options in Phoenix

Neck pain is quite literally a pain in the neck. It is a very common pain that many people in Phoenix seek treatment for. Neck pain can be caused by a car accident, improper sleeping positions, bad posture while sitting in front of a computer, exertion or sometimes for seemingly no reason at all. No matter the cause of neck
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